Thanks for sharing 🌞

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You’re welcome. The very idea of its perfume is evocative.

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One of these days when I make it back to your town, I’ll bring my pencils and watercolours and we can hang out in the graveyard. That sounds like perfection!

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We’ll have to get the weather right - the wind can get a bit much here. Otherwise a great plan

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What a beautiful rose, a gift of a memorial. I’m trying not to dwell on what the roe deer would do to it (I know, having inherited both a tea rose and visiting deer). It’s good to hear from you. I certainly relate to the difficulty of doing nothing, let alone relaxing, being an ‘engine always running’ person. And yet this calm, quiet, space is so important. I resolve to go and sit in the woods and just listen. I may take a pen and a notebook but perhaps best to leave the camera behind.

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It really has a beautiful s ent, exactly like the best tea. Wish I could send that over the internet to you!

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Get well soon, Helen. I have missed your beautiful updates! I loved reading your words, as it is a topic I engage with a lot in my daily life. I have also written about it, as it is always on my mind. It isn't easy to slow down and even do nothing. We always have this urge to do something rather than just be. Nevertheless, we must focus more on 'being' than 'doing' in our lives. Take good care of yourself

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Thank you so much! Your substack is great, by the way. I have been having a very peaceful rest over our summer here and loved it so much

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Thank you so much, Helen <3 have a beautiful Sunday!

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